Seven Ways to Be More Sustainable

April showers don't just bring May flowers, but also a focus on the environment. In fact, after the California oil spill and the Cuyahoga river catching fire in 1969, Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson organized the first Earth Day in 1970. Now, more than 1 billion people across 193 countries celebrate Earth Day.

The Earth provides us with food to eat, water to drink, oxygen to breathe-- we should be honored to call Earth home. Some of my most favorite moments in the outdoors have been spent riding horses through the Cuban forest, hiking the Swiss Alps, visiting volcanoes in Costa Rica, swimming at the Jersey Shore, and relaxing in the Moroccan mountains. Sadly, not everyone recognizes ways we can protect these places. You don’t have to be totally zero waste, extremely minimal, or the most immaculate environmentalist to help save the planet. If you’re looking to be more conscious of caring for our world, LUHV’s got 7 ways to be more sustainable this week. 

Sunday: One of my favorite things about Philly is that the city is very manageable via walking or biking. On Sunday, try biking or walking someplace you’d normally drive. In addition to being good for the environment, it’s also good for your body! Walking has been shown to be an efficient tool to lose weight. Plus, since it’s officially spring, I love soaking up a little sunshine and fresh air!

Monday: Here at LUHV, we believe we can change the world by the way we eat-- one bite at a time. On Monday, opt to go meatless! According to Meatless Monday, eating less meat and more healthy plant-based foods can help reduce the incidence of chronic preventable diseases, preserve precious land and water resources, and combat climate change. Research shows that Monday is the day of the week where people are most open to making positive changes.

Tuesday: Philly is my home city (Go Birds!), but it’s also pretty littered. On Tuesday, try picking up a few pieces of trash. If you’re grossed out, just pack some hand sanitizer or gloves! I promise you good karma will come your way.

Wednesday: Recycling is a known way to be more sustainable, but there’s actually two steps to try before recycling. First, try reducing your plastic usage. (When I went to Switzerland, I stayed with a local family and was blown away by how sustainable their household was. If they went to the bakery to buy a loaf of bread, then instead of throwing away the wrapping, they’d pack the sandwiches for our hikes in that same packaging.) Second, try reusing your plastic item. (Last week I bought LUHV’s Jalapeño Sweet Potato soup from South Philly Food Co-Op. After slurping up the soup, I upcycled the container into a flower vase!) After those two steps, then you can turn to recycling your plastic item.

Thursday: You know what they say-- one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Sites like Free Cycle and Buy Nothing Project have compiled a list of free items that people are looking to get rid of that would otherwise end up in a landfill. Browse these sites before you head to the big box stores.

Friday: Toiletries contribute to a lot of plastic waste. Try a swap of a plastic tube of toothpaste for toothpaste tablets. The chewable bites form a paste as you brush. Upgrade your plastic shampoo and conditioner bottles for a shampoo and conditioner bar. Lush has a whole section of package-free beauty products on its website. These are great especially if you’re traveling, you’ll fly by TSA!

Saturday: On Saturday, when you head to a convenience store and they offer you a plastic bag, say, “Thank You, Next!” Instead, just carry your items in a reusable bag or in your hands.


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